Lao Full City Roast

Cafe Campesino

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Trading Partner:
Bolaven Plateau Coffee Producers Cooperative
Sweet, chocolatey
Full, heavy
Vanilla, chocolate, sweet
Roast Level:
Full City
Read about Grind Types

We have recently adjusted our grind options. With that in mind, we wanted to offer this primer so that you can choose the best grind-style for your preferred brewing method.

Whole Bean-- While we are happy to grind your beans, your coffee will stay fresher longer if you grind it as you go. There are many great home grinder options out there and many are surprisingly inexpensive.

Drip-- This is a medium grind that is the most versatile. Brewing methods using drip include home coffee drip machines, pour-overs (like Hario), Chemex, and AeroPress.

Espresso-- This grind is generally used for espresso makers. This includes home machines and stove-tip espresso pots. The grind is the most fine and is optimized to work with a high pressure extraction system.

Coarse-- Coarse is for percolators, french press, cold brewing, and sometimes AeroPress. Coarse is the biggest/loosest grind and enables water to move more freely steeping coffee for extraction.

All of the above, while generally true in the industry, also should be adjusted for preference. Feel free to experiment and please contact us if you have questions and we will be happy to work with you.

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Product Overview

Cultivated by small-scale farmers of the Bolaven Plateau Coffee Producers Cooperative in a tropical region intersected by countless rivers with dramatic waterfalls near the junction of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. Rich, almost textured on the palate, this coffee is especially big bodied. Very sweet, with soft intermingling notes of dark chocolate, cream and nougat.

Available in a variety of grind options


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  • 5

    Posted by Meredith Marsman-Barnes on Apr 4th 2024

    I had the pleasure of going to Laos and was hooked on the iced coffee there. This is exactly the flavor I was missing here in the States. It's absolutely the most amazing-tasting coffee!

  • 5
    Great Coffee!

    Posted by Katy on Oct 30th 2023

    Based on the description, I thought I'd love it and I absolutely do. I have brewed it with a pour-over and as cold-brew and it tastes great both ways.