This is a blend of fair trade, organic, shade-grown coffees from Latin America and Indonesia. Justice Blend has a medium body and medium acidity with a nutty fragrance and a fruity, sweet aroma and flavor. It is an extremely well-balanced coffee with a delightful aftertaste. The bright Latin American acidity pairs beautifully with the rich, earthy Sumatran body. The name "Justice" is a reminder of our commitment to a just coffee trade where our farmer-partners can thrive and be paid a fair wage for their hard work.
This is one of my favorites. I like the lower acidity. I have tried several coffees from Cafe Campesino and have never been disappointed.
Justice Blend
Posted by quinn on Mar 31st 2020
To be clear: I haven't had this coffee yet. I bought some for a friend whose husband LOVED it. My friend, who doesn't usually like coffee, even liked it. So that's really saying something!! I ordered this coffee online and received it quickly and in good shape.